Contains: Filmcart smartone Jumbo (bottom platform, upper platofrm)
2x wheels swivel with brakes (220mm diameter)
2x wheels normal without brakes (220mm diameter)
Folding cart (H×W×L): 170 × 725 × 1390 mm
Striped cart (H×W×L): 1020 × 735 × 1390 mm
Between lower platform and the upper platform is 655mm
Between the lower platform side wall and the upper platform is 588mm
Platform inside dimensions 690 mm x 1320 mm
Wall thick 3mm
1.80 m2 work space total on both platforms
Max 250 kg
Package Dimensions: (H×W×L): 200 × 800 × 1500 mm
Filmcart Smartone Jumbo
1290,00€ tax not included
Smartone Jumbo is the newest addition to our cart family. It is designed to provide maximum work space possible. It is bigger than Smartone XL in both width and length with about 1,82m2 workspace combined. Aluminum structure is lightweight and sustained enough to hold up to 250 kilograms, no tools are required to attach of remove each wheel or any part of the cart what saves your time. Smartone Jumbo is super easy to collapse and ready to use in less than 2 minutes. Built-in frames on both shelfes provide durability even fully loaded with equipment. Compact size allows the folding cart to transport easily all parts in one case. 220mm and 260mm diameter wheels fits inside the collpased cart.